This is as close to "final" as the planned route is likely to get... I don't intend to do any more updates to it. If it changes, I'll mention it in future posts. All but a few of the green lines represent flight segments. Looks like we have a lot of reading in store...
Time Saver
If you want to jump to the beginning of the trip... click here. After that, you can just click "newer post" to read them in order.
Susan and I became parents for the second time, Lachlan became a big brother, and we all became a family of four.
We had arrived at the hospital at 7:00 that morning. At 11:58 pm, our second son was born. Just a couple more minutes and I'd have been writing this tomorrow.
That was the title of a recent (Jan. 10, 2008) press release issued by the National Air Traffic Controllers Association. Here is what the press release says a staffing emergency is:
“A staffing emergency means that controllers do not have enough trained and experienced personnel on the ground to safely handle the volume of traffic in the air and at major airports.”
I added the emphasis because, in essence, the Union is saying that flying at the locations named is… well… it’s unsafe. In fact the NATCA President used that exact word in at least one interview following the press release.
This is a rather remarkable assertion to make since the primary job function of an air traffic controller is to ensure safety. Throughout my career, controllers have always been proud of ensuring safety even in spite of their disagreements with the FAA as to how things should be done.
When I read the press release and the coverage it generated, I was concerned… not so much for what was said as for what was NOT said. I no longer hear the controllers saying that the system is still safe because they are making it safe. Instead, they are now starting to say the exact opposite of that. And that worries me. I hope it also worries the FAA.
Apparently it does not, though… here’s a quote from an article published as a result of the press release:
"They are trying to scare the public and force the FAA to re-open labor negotiations on a contract that is already 1½ years old," FAA spokesman Tony Molinaro said. It seems that rather than address the real issue (which is a lack of sufficient staffing) the FAA would rather sidestep it and equate the controller workforce to Chicken Little. I have no idea if Tony Molinaro has ever been a controller, but from my experience as one, when they start using the word “unsafe”, it’s time to start listening.
Among the many stories run in response to the press release was this segment, which was aired by ABC in their evening news feature, “A Closer Look”.
Here is the text of the comments made by Hank Krakowski, who is the current, recently-installed Chief Operating Officer of the FAA’s Air Traffic Organization:
“I can assure you that I have no hesitation to get on an airplane, fly out of any airport, put my family on any airplane at any airport…”
While Hank assures us that he wouldn’t hesitate to put himself and his family on an airplane anytime anywhere, I am actually going to DO it… this summer… and at two of the four locations mentioned in the press release.
I would like to be as confident about all of this as Hank wants us to believe that he is, but I'm not. I take some comfort, though, in knowing that my former co-workers will do what they do best… make things work. I would feel better if I were confident that Henry Krakowski and his colleagues were doing everything they could to help my former colleagues out. But I’m not.
Incidentally, six days after the original press release, the controllers at Dallas/Ft. Worth also declared a staffing emergency. I have an uneasy feeling that the list will continue to grow.
One more thing about Hank Krakowski… the man has an impressive list of credentials, among them… airline pilot. That means he has spent at least some of his time listening to air traffic controllers. He is now in a position where he has a golden opportunity to listen to them again.
In drastic contrast to the previous New Year’s Eve, I spent this one in the ultra-low key mode. Susan worked a mid so it was just the boys and me, and none of us were up for much in the way of revelry. No travels… no merry-making… nothing…
It was great!
We didn’t even stay up to see the ball or the peach drop. Didn’t want to. So we didn’t.
It was great!
It was so good, in fact, that I am only now recovered sufficiently to work on this entry (tpfic). It has been a good start to the new year, though, and each day brings us closer to our departure date. Equally as important, it also brings us closer to Susan’s retirement date! The bulk of the journey is all set and we are spending more time now on planning what to pack and how to pack it. Christmas yielded us several useful items from family such as travel document and clothing organizers. Santa Claus provided us each with a backpack that will handily contain our individual personal items… reading materials, electronic gizmos, a sandwich or two, and such.
As for all the rest of it, we are currently planning on utilizing a single bag. It’s a large one, for sure, and we are not yet certain that that plan will actually pan out, but it would sure make all those trips to baggage claim a little speedier. Not to mention it will make for a whole lot less schlepping of luggage through airports and train stations. We’ll see how that goes and I will keep you posted. One bag for all of us should work out OK for the north-of-the Equator parts of the trip, but we may have to alter that plan for the cold weather portions.
The idea is to take about a week’s worth of clothing each and to strategically utilize the laundry services at the hotels. On previous trips, I have been known to use the same clothes for several days, although the people I was around didn’t really know it, because they weren’t the same people every day. It was easy to tell when a change of clothes was in order when it became very easy to get a train compartment all to yourself. Wearing the same thing a few days in a row won’t exactly be breaking new ground for the boys, either.
We will also spend the next few months finalizing the plans for taking care of things on the home front. I’ll save the details for another time.
I am a retired air
traffic controller. In
June, 2008, my wife
will also be a retired
air traffic controller.
At that time, she and I and our
two middle school-aged sons will
embark on a journey to
circumnavigate the globe. OK...
OK... someone else is going to do
the navigating - we're just taking
a trip around the world. The
purpose of this blog is to use
words and pictures to document
that journey. It will include the
events leading up to the trip, as
well as items from our other
travels. From time to time, I may
also include some non-travel-
related posts... Please bear with
me, as I'm new at blogging, but
I HAVE traveled before. Like with
a good book, the Pages are
gonna fly...
"My buddy Bob always has this strange twinkle in his eyes. It is as if all of life is here for our amusement and he understands this -- even though most of us don’t. This, too, amuses him. I think he’s amused by almost everything." - Don Brown
"Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then." - Bob Seger
“Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water.”- W. C. Fields
“There's no difference between good flan and bad flan…”- from Wag the Dog
“Where are we going and why am I in this handbasket?!?”- unknown