The Planned Route

The Planned Route
This is as close to "final" as the planned route is likely to get... I don't intend to do any more updates to it. If it changes, I'll mention it in future posts. All but a few of the green lines represent flight segments. Looks like we have a lot of reading in store...

Time Saver

If you want to jump to the beginning of the trip... click here. After that, you can just click "newer post" to read them in order.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Brief Note from Athens

Lachlan and I are sitting in an internet café in Athens and I thought I'd take advantage of the few minutes of online time he's letting me have to add a quick post.

He and Zeb are really enjoying many aspects of the trip. Sure, they miss many of the things from home, but I am really impressed with how they have latched on to the concept of experiencing new and different things.

Most of the TV watching has consisted of soccer (the European Championships are going on now) and a wide variety of things in languages they don't understand. Our news has come primarily from CNN and we have been able to hear about the heat wave there as well as the flooding and storms in the midwest.

I also wanted to add a couple of pics for a couple of folks in the 'hood... Lucas had told us about the tasty fried fish here in Athens and he told us the name of them two or three times but we could never remember it. We have had people here tell us the name another two or three times but still no dice at remembering it. Fortunately, on the menus, they are called simply "little fish" and we did give them a try... and they were danged good!

Also, for Kim & Mike... grafitti is rampant here although it isn't gang related. Rather it's from "artists" expressing themselves. We found a small, not-so-artistic bit of it here and added our own gang persona to it:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog. Thats all.