The Planned Route

The Planned Route
This is as close to "final" as the planned route is likely to get... I don't intend to do any more updates to it. If it changes, I'll mention it in future posts. All but a few of the green lines represent flight segments. Looks like we have a lot of reading in store...

Time Saver

If you want to jump to the beginning of the trip... click here. After that, you can just click "newer post" to read them in order.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Non-Diplomatic Immunity

We have already begun the sequence of shots that are required for this trip. If you are planning a journey that will require immunizations, it is best to get going on them no less than six months prior to your departure so that any that require boosters can be accommodated.

Your personal physician may be able to provide you with what you will need or, at least, should be able to make a referral. Travel agents can also steer you in the right direction. There also are specialty clinics that can give you the most up to date information on what you will need based on your itinerary.

For our trip, Susan and I got, or are getting: Hepatitis A & B with boosters, Tetanus, Typhoid and we will take Malaria tablets enroute. The boys already have had the Hepatitis shots as part of their routine physical exams. The Typhoid immunity is available in capsule form and we opted for that method.

After this is all done, there is only one other kind of shot I plan on getting for a while...

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