The Planned Route

The Planned Route
This is as close to "final" as the planned route is likely to get... I don't intend to do any more updates to it. If it changes, I'll mention it in future posts. All but a few of the green lines represent flight segments. Looks like we have a lot of reading in store...

Time Saver

If you want to jump to the beginning of the trip... click here. After that, you can just click "newer post" to read them in order.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

It has been another busy and enjoyable holiday season... we are indeed lucky to have made so many wonderful acquaintances over the years. We truly have enjoyed the time we have been able to spend together, either in person or via other means. We always look forward to the next time we are able share a few moments. Hopefully it will always be soon!

Merry Christmas to All!


Anonymous said...

Bob & Susan... great page and a good start to your international travel. Dad was telling me about your upcoming trip... something I plan to do one day as well.
I am still teaching overseas and this is my 4th year in Oman. I signed a contract for next year as well. I do not see the Middle East on your travel plans....?? You should really check it out. Oman is WONDERFUL, but then again it will be 120+ degrees in June and July.
You know they say you cannot teach an old dog new tricks.... I think the closest my father ever came to working a computer was while he was still an ATC!! So bravo for starting the blog!
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. Take Care.

Tommy Duncan

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tommy!... and Merry Christmas to you, too!

Thanks for the hit and the encouragement. Hope all continues to go well with your current situation... it sure seems like it is!

The Middle East (the Holy Land, anyway) WAS a part of the initial itinerary, but wound up "on the cutting room floor", as many other places did. We just couldn't include everything and decided that we will try to get to some of those places on future, shorter trips.

I mentioned in an earlier post called "Technology and Me" that I am not the world's most willing person when it comes to all this new-fangled stuff, but I have enjoyed working on this blog. Receiving comments like yours makes it all the more enjoyable.

Thanks again for dropping in and when you get a chance, email me and I'll put you on my update list.

Wishing you all things good!