The Planned Route

The Planned Route
This is as close to "final" as the planned route is likely to get... I don't intend to do any more updates to it. If it changes, I'll mention it in future posts. All but a few of the green lines represent flight segments. Looks like we have a lot of reading in store...

Time Saver

If you want to jump to the beginning of the trip... click here. After that, you can just click "newer post" to read them in order.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

For Starters

I'm thinking....

Come back later, please, whem I'm not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK... so I'm replying to my own blog. Well, I'm in the process of figuring this whole business out and I am trying everything I can think of trying so that when something happens later on... it hopefully won't be the first time I saw it. Besides, I happen to know that, at this particular moment, I am NOT thinking.