The Planned Route

The Planned Route
This is as close to "final" as the planned route is likely to get... I don't intend to do any more updates to it. If it changes, I'll mention it in future posts. All but a few of the green lines represent flight segments. Looks like we have a lot of reading in store...

Time Saver

If you want to jump to the beginning of the trip... click here. After that, you can just click "newer post" to read them in order.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Thanks Anyway, Messrs. Greeley & Soule…

…but we are gonna go East.

We did give it some thought and decided that it would be better to go that direction for a few reasons:

1) Susan and I have both traveled to Europe and we thought it would be a good idea to start this trip off with some places with which we have some familiarity. That way we can sort of “ease into” the concept of extended traveling.

2) Going east will start us off with the comparatively shorter flight segments. Going west would have us facing at least two rather lengthy flights, which we thought might seem even longer with the anticipation that accompanies the beginning of a journey. With those flights at the end of the trip, we felt that we all might be better able to relax, if not rest a bit, during them.

3) We have some relatives and friends who are contemplating joining us along the way during the European segment. We felt that we would rather do that sort of thing early in the trip when we are less likely to be road weary.

4) It was “tails”.

So… with the direction decided, we now needed to start to set down some of the basic logistics of the trip. Things like an itinerary… modes of travel… where to stay. There were many options for us and it would take some thought on all of them. But – that makes good fodder for another post.

1 comment:

Don Brown said...

5. The jetstream. :)